Monday, May 19, 2014

Jack of Hearts by Ricardo Bare

Jack of Hearts by Ricardo Bare

The book starts with the main character Jack, Jack is a boy with a horrible past. He willingly gave up his heart due to the guilt he felt; the person who now has his heart sends him on a quest to kill a wizard. Jack has no idea who the wizard is, but what this person says goes. 

This book is full of twists and turns as well as a bit of romance. Jack feels confused when he has access to all of the feelings he thought he would lose due since he had no heart. Why does Jack give up his heart? Some things are painful to remember and Jack is trying his best to not remember or feel anything. As Jack faces dwarfs, giants, and being locked up he finds himself liking a girl who is imprisoned in a magic mirror. I really enjoyed this book because it was well written,  I loved the emotions it made me feel, and all the characters. I can’t wait to read the next one. 

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