Thursday, March 27, 2014

Finding Angel by Kat Heckenbach

Finding Angel

Finding Angel’s first chapter is mysterious. I didn't really understand what was going on, but I kept reading and I am glad I did. The book introduces Angel, the main character, she is an orphan. Now Angel has just arrived home, and her brother found a rare beetle and asks her to find out what she can about the beetle. She looks at the beetle closely and for some reason she can't explain the pattern on the back of the beetle matches the one on her bracelet.

Her investigation of this mysterious bug leads to her meeting someone who knows stuff about her, things she didn't even know! She discovers that she has a magical talent! She discovers her talent to be able to find things no matter where they are.

What I liked about the characters is I could connect to each one in a different way. Also I thought the plot was good. I enjoyed reading about the different challenges Angel was going through trying to find her parents and remember her past (from before she was 6.)

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