Saturday, June 21, 2014


I am going to interview Kat Heckenbach at 11am this morning. If you'd like to watch, participate or ask questions, here is the link: Remember, it will be live!,

Monday, June 9, 2014

The Last Time Keepers and The Arch of Atlantis by Sharon Ledwith

This book begins with a group of kids who have a food fight, the kid’s names are Amanda, Treena, Ravi, Jordan Jensen, and Bailey. My favorite character was Amanda because she was strong, smart, and really sweet. This group of teens get sent to do yard work and find something. They find an arch and then get sent to Atlantis, where they are told they are the last of the timekeepers. While at Atlantis they meet a woman named Lilith, she informed that that there was a person who stole an arch and is going into the past. This person is changing history, which is where they come in as timekeepers. This book kept me puzzled by who the villain was but I loved the way the characters bonded throughout their struggles. Overall I would definitely read this book again and hope to read the sequel.  If you like fighting, action, and adventure fantasy this book is for you! 

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